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Submission Policy

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Information for Authors

1. Manuscripts submitted must be in relations with the theory, research and application of convergence and have creativity that can help contribute to development of the relevant disciplines and industries. Manuscripts are considered for publication only if the article, or any part of its essential substance, tables or figures have not been or will not be published in another journal or are not simultaneously submitted to another journal.

2. The members of the Society only are entitled to submit papers.

3. The author bears ultimate responsibility for any and all of his/her paper published.

4. Manuscripts submitted will be checked for plagiarism(including self-plagiarism). If a paper is found to fall in the category of plagiarism, the paper will not be reviewed and automatically rejected.

5. All new manuscripts intended for publication in are submitted via email(paper@dsim.or.kr).

6. Manuscripts should be written in Korean or English and the first letter of any English sentence shall be in the upper case while the rest in the lower case except for proper nouns. The entire length of any paper should be six pages and more including figures and tables.

7. The first page of the manuscript should specify the paper title, author name, his/her affiliation and five-to-six key words both in Korean and English. It is understood that the corresponding author is responsible for issues regarding the paper submitted.

8. Manuscripts must be written in correct Korean or English and be prepared carefully according to the style of the journal. Authors are advised to review several recently published articles to familiarize themselves with proper format and requirements.

9. Authors bear primary responsibility for all reference citations. References should be numbered consecutively with [ ] in the order in which they are cited in the text. A list of all references should appear at the end of the paper in numeric order as they are cited in the text.
- Multiple citations at the same time shall be described as [1], [1-3] or [1 ,2 ,5].
- All references in direct relation with the paper shall be included and be 15 or more.

1. Details of writing references are as follows.
1) Journals : author(all), title, journal title, volume, number, page, published year
2) Separate volume : author(all), signature, page, publisher, published year
3) Website: author if any, website citation title, publisher, published year, web address, cited year and month

2. The following is the example of noting down references according to the principle mentioned above.
1) D. A. Adjeroh and K. C. Nwosu, “Information Technology Convergence - Requirements and Issues,” IEEE Software, Vol. 4, No. 3, pp. 24-33, 1995.
2) Gil-Dong Hong, Han-Kun Kim, “Sensor-based convergence system in Ubiquitous Environment,” Journal of Industrial Convergence, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 1-10, 2008.
3) S. Khoshafian and B.A. Baker, Introduction to IT Convergence, Addison-Wesley, San Francisco, Calif., 1995.

10. When the editor have determined the revision is acceptable the author receives a letter of acceptance specifying an approximate time frame for anticipated publication and is requested to submit the final version of the paper including author’s biography and photo. At this point, no further changes can be made by the author.

11. Publication fee is 150,000won with a paper length of six printed pages including figures(1 additional page with an extra charge of 30,00won). In case of urgent publication, it is requested an extra 300,000won and additional cost of 100,000 won should be paid when any financial supporting organization is stated. Charges of 30,000 and 60,000 won shall be paid for normal and urgent review, respectively.

12. Reprints of up to 10 copies of the published paper shall be granted to the authors and copies exceeding 10 shall be paid by the authors.

13. Papers approved shall be published in the order of receipt in principle. Any urgent review and/or urgent publication resulting from special occasions shall obtain approval of the editorial board.

14. Any paper published in the journal of the Society cannot be duplicated without approval of the Society.

15. All authors must agree to the terms of copyright transfer as indicated during the online manuscript submission process. DAEHAN Society of Industrial Management owns the copyright for all content published in the journal.